INTERSECTION | INTERVENTION | INTERPLAY<\/strong> An afternoon intersecting interventions focused on technologies of collaboration to reimagine gender, history, memory, futures, and communities, with the collective projects Diasporas Cr\u00edticas, Migratory Times, and the Museum of Random Memory.<\/p>\n Using as a taking off point the decolonial feminist philosopher Mar\u00eda Lugones\u2019 phrase \u201cplayfulness, world traveling and loving perception,\u201d the public is invited to engage in these art based research projects that explore these actions as forms of reimagining and remaking social relations.<\/p>\n Date<\/strong><\/p>\n May 31, 2017 Place<\/strong> Conducted by <\/strong> <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n PROGRAMME<\/strong><\/p>\n 15:00 \u2013 16:30<\/strong> \u2013 The Museum of Random Memory<\/u><\/strong> \u201cDo you have something you would like to remember? Something you think should be forgotten? We would like you to contribute to our temporary permanent collection.\u201d<\/p>\n What is a memory? These are a few of the questions that are asked by the participants and creators of the Museum of Random Memory, an ongoing practice-based research project. The project and the work of the project (the creation of the archive and the museum itself) represent a deliberate attempt to directly engage dif\ufb01cult questions of ownership, archive, preservation, and mediation. What does it mean to take ownership of a memory? What can we do with it? What should we do with it? What do we do with it? How do we proceed and where do the lines of the analog and the digital collide with the lines of public, private, hidden and revealed? How do you build (and destroy) a museum in days? What is gained and what is lost?<\/p>\n For this event we, the UnCurators, will perform an iteration of the Museum. 16:30 \u2013 17:00 \u2013 Coffee Break<\/strong><\/p>\n 17:00 \u2013 18:30 <\/strong>\u2013 Exercise in Radiofonization<\/u><\/strong> This workshop is directed at trans-feminist artists, activists and poets with the aim of sharing research around the process of creating a manifesto, enunciation and the practices, histories and metaphors associated with radio, we propose an \u201cexercise in radiofonization\u201d. Part workshop and part performance of a radio recording-studio, this session puts into practice a range of pedagogical and affective techniques in the fields of voice, enunciation and reading.<\/p>\n This space offers an encounter with various enunciation tactics and invites participants to co-produce a performative \u201cexercise in radiofonization\u201d. Depending on the technical capabilities this can be emitted in connection with other online, free or community radios, or recorded for a future transmission. \u201cExercise in radiofonization\u201d focuses on the transdiscursive and transtemporal conditions of the feminist and decolonial manifesto and how, like the apparatus of radio, it makes a curious incision across the literary, historical, political and artistic; past present and future.<\/p>\n 18:30 \u2013 19:30 \u2013 Roundtable discussion <\/u><\/strong> <\/p>\n BIOS<\/strong><\/p>\n THE MUSEUM OF RANDOM MEMORY\/<\/strong><\/p>\n The Museum was \ufb01rst conceived and performed in March 2016 at the CounterPlay Festival held in Aarhus. Over the following year, key participants transformed the ideas into a conceptual framework, which guided the creation of the second instantiation of the museum, presented again at the same festival in March 2017. \u00a0The museum is the sum of the efforts of more than a dozen artists, activists, academics, researchers and students working with the Creating Future Memories project at Aarhus University in Denmark. The Creating Future Memories project is one of the projects of the, a transdisciplinary space for research and public engagement.<\/p>\n \u00a0<\/strong>DIASPORAS CRITICAS<\/strong><\/p>\n Di\u00e1sporas cr\u00edticas is an open platform for artistic research. Di\u00e1sporas cr\u00edticas research explores and responds to the ways in which nationalisms intervene through micro-process to affect the body and the senses, researching notions of \u201ctransmission\u201d and \u201ccontagion\u201d in relation to mass media and technology as well as medical discourses and disease. They have received various research and production grants from academic and arts institutions. Throughout 2017 Diasporas criticas are preparing a research project entitled \u201cContralecturas Tropicales\u201d. They are thinking: climate, cliche, sickness, poetic trope, surrealist dream, melodrama, medical theory, compass, geopolitical sex fantasy, cyclical time and exile.<\/em><\/p>\n MIGRATORY TIMES\/<\/em><\/strong>THE INSTITUTE OF (IM)POSSIBLE SUBJECTS<\/strong> <\/p>\n Free entry.<\/strong> Contact: <\/strong> <\/p>\n Organized by:<\/strong><\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n D-Future Project\/Mediaccions<\/a><\/p>\n <\/p>\n In collaboration with: <\/strong><\/p>\n The Museum of Random Memory<\/a><\/p>\n Migratory Times\/the Institute of (im)Possible Subjects<\/a><\/p>\n Diasporas Cr\u00edticas<\/a><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Sponsored by:<\/strong><\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n Ministerio de Econom\u00eda y competitividad de Espa\u00f1a (Ref. CSO2014-58196-P)<\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n Museu del Disseny de Barcelona<\/a><\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n Estudis d\u2019Art I Humanitats de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya<\/a><\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n
\nGender, Collaboration and Counter-Memory in Migratory Times and Spaces<\/em><\/p>\n
\n15:00 \u2013 19:30 p.m.<\/p>\n
\nMuseu del Disseny de Barcelona<\/a>
\nFloor -1 \u2013 Room B<\/p>\n
\nThe Museum of Random Memory\/
\nDiasporas Cr\u00edticas and Migratory Times
\nthe Institute of (im)Possible Subjects<\/p>\n<\/p>\n
\nConducted by MoRM: Museum of Random Memory\/<\/strong><\/p>\n
\nWhat is it good for?
\nHow do we remember?
\nHow do we forget?<\/p>\n
\nAttendees will be invited to participate by submitting memories and engaging in the intake process.<\/p>\n
\nConducted by Diasporas Cr\u00edticas & Migratory Times\/the Institute of (im)Possible Subjects <\/strong><\/p>\n
\nWith Dalida Mar\u00eda Benfield, Anyely Marin Cisneros, Rebecca Close and Annette Markham.<\/p>\n
\nMigratory Times <\/em>is a global art, research, and education initiative to facilitate transnational dialogues on displacements and migration. Migratory Times<\/em> constructs a translocal architecture for overlapping learning, research, and making circles across diverse sites including Bogot\u00e1, Colombia; Aarhus and Copenhagen, Denmark; Jeju and Seoul, S. Korea; Manila, Philippines; Barcelona, Spain; and Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, Detroit, and New York City, USA. Over the course of a year, 2016-17, cultural interventions, workshops, and publications are being produced in local sites as well as through virtual networks, using popular education and co-design strategies. Migratory Times<\/em> is a project of the Institute of (im)Possible Subjects, a transnational feminist art, media and research collective.<\/p>\n
\nRequired Registration. Send us an email to:\<\/a><\/strong>
\n+34 93 326 3470<\/p>\n<\/p>\n